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Saudi Arabia Deputy Minister of Industry Inspects Triumph Group’s Industry in Bengbu


On February 23, 2019, at the invitation of Peng Shou, president of China National Building Materials Co., Ltd. and board chairman of Triumph Technology Group Company, Saudi Arabia Deputy Minister of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Abdulaziz led officials of Saudi Arabia Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources, Saudi Industry Development Fund and top executives of AZMEEL INTERNTIONAL to visit Triumph Group’s Industry in Bengbu.
Entrusted by board chairman Peng Shou, Ma Liyun, executive vice president of Triumph Technology Group Company and (CNBM) Bengbu Design & Research Institute for Glass Industry Co., Ltd., Chen Yong, vice president of (CNBM) Bengbu Design & Research Institute for Glass Industry Co., Ltd., and Wang Congxiao, vice president of China Triumph International Engineering Co., Ltd. warmly received Saudi guests. 
Deputy Minister Abdulaziz admired the achievements of CNBM and Triumph Group in fields of glass, cement, new energy and new materials, showed strong interest in the construction technology of advanced smart and environment-friendly factory, and cordially invited Triumph Group to provide solutions and technology for upgrading the existing cement and glass production lines in Saudi Arabia.

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